Trying to join found session but getting this error:
LogLinker:Warning: Can’t find file ‘/Game/Maps/UEDPIE_0_UFOTests’ (name of our map is UFOTests in /Content/Maps/)
Output Log: LogBlueprintUserMessages: [VRTable_GameInfoInstance_C_0] Server: Find and join s -
We have DefaultPlatformService=Null in DefaultEngine.ini
Thats how we host:
Thats how we connect:
HLP, please!
The actual problem was that we were not able to test Multiplayer+VR in Editor (Preview in VR) (on 2 machines in same LAN network) because client wasnt able to find map file on server (it was searching for map name with prefix “UEDPIE_0_”). But server was providing map file without this prefix (prefixes are possibly made to test multiplayer in editor with multiple windows).
Change Unreal Engine source code (check this link on how to do this) :
In UnrealEngine.cpp near line 10125 comment the line:
Then build your custom Unreal Engine build
Launch your game server (in editor Preview in VR) with this build (clients can use official Unreal Engine builds).