"Failed to generate code project..." 64bit Tools

Can anyone please help me? I have this code generating problem. In the logs I get the following error message!

UnrealBuildTool Exception: ERROR: NOTE: Please ensure that 64bit Tools are installed with DevStudio - there is usually an option to install these during install

I unistalled everything, then reinstall in order: windows sdk 8.1 - vs2013 - UE4.4

Same problem appears.

What can i do with that? Thx

What I Use:

Windows 8 |
Visual Studio 2013 Professional |
Windows SDK 8.1 |
UnrealEngine 4.4

thank you for your reply!



This is likely a regression caused in 4.4.2. I have posted most details about it here:

Please report back if the suggested workaround solves the problem, and sorry again for the trouble.


Yes, the enviroment variable solved the problem!

As a workaround, could you try adding
the following environment variables to
your system and rerunning UE4:

FrameworkDir=xyz FrameworkVersion=1

It shouldn’t matter what these are, as
long as they contain some value.

thank you!
