Upgraded to Engine Version 4.4.2, 64 Bit Tools are not installed

I upgraded my binary version of the engine to version 4.4.2, and now I cannot generate project files, add code to the project, or compile through visual studio. I cannot even create a template project! I always get the below error:

Please ensure that 64bit Tools are
installed with DevStudio - there is
usually an option to install these
during install

I am going to try a re-install of Visual Studio 2013 and make sure 64-bit tools is checked, but is this a known issue?

NOTE: I have another system where I have an older 4.4.1 installation and this is working fine…

A quick update, I have downloaded and compiled the source for Engine Version 4.4.1 on this system and I am NOT getting the above errors (so clearly something is broken in 4.4.2).


I believe an accidental dependency has been added to this hotfix where a test for a .NET Framework SDK is being made, but failing. This shouldn’t be necessary if you’re not using C# projects, but the test is being made regardless.

As a workaround, could you try adding the following environment variables to your system and rerunning UE4:


It shouldn’t matter what these are, as long as they contain some value.

Or install a Windows SDK.

Hope this helps, sorry for the trouble. Please report back on whether this has solved your issue.


EDIT: I haven’t tested what Steve has posted below, but if it has worked for someone else then it may work for others so I’ll mark this as answered for now :slight_smile:

Hi Steve

I’m not on that system at the moment so I cannot check, but I don’t have admin rights so I’m not sure if I can add environment variables. I’ll check when I have access anyway (I’ll try the Windows SDK, too, I just need a technician to install it for me!)

Hi again,

The workaround has been confirmed to work by this other user:



the same here. even any VS compilation is impossible, including editor source of 4.4.2.
where and how to set those variables exactly?

thanks. Ivan

Edit: with 4.4.3 preview source everything works fine again.

Glad the 4.4.3 update is working.

For anyone else: setting environment variables is a Windows thing, for example:
