Failed to compile Material for platform GLSL_ES2, Default Material will be used in game.


I am attempting to create a simple simulation on the Oculus Quest for an Architecture project with UE4. I have loaded a panoramic drone shot of a job site into UE4, and I am attempting to use it as a cubemap/skybox. I am successfully able to load in a .dds file and map it to the material on my computer, but once i attempt to build and launch I get the error message stated in the title. The skybox renders as a default material, rather than the panoramic photo. I am trying to figure out why, but this is my first time using UE4 and I really dont know what to do/what could be wrong. I can provide photos as needed, any help would be appreciated.

Hello Matt,

You may be running into resolution limits (Panoramic shot sounds like a lot of pixels!)

So I’d try scaling texture to less than 4k (maybe even 2k) in any direction.

It’s also good practice to have image sizes be power of 2 number (512, 1024, 2048 etc)

Personally I’ve seen that error when I had something in my material graph that was not compatible with the mobile renderer.