why can’t the session be launched when earlier I had succeeded (with a single tree I had tried before)? but the landscape wasn’t there it was the gridpanel
I had same issue last day when i uploaded an sktechfab 3D models, I just thought it was a bug
thanks for the answers
Please select what you are reporting on:
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Steps to Reproduce
downloading the landscape pro on UE and migrate it to UEFN
Thanks it Barely worked !
I could launch the session but as you can see UEFN indicate some errors.
i did relocalize some assets but other had to be deleted to launch the session,
i was hoping doing some content realistic landscape like this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaBZeogiyS4)
but it ended that what i use occur a lot of errors, and might be too realistic for UEFN, and not supported by it unfortunately for me.
But Thanks taking the time to answers me and find a solution !
AssetCheck: Error: [AssetLog] … \ … \Plugins\GameFeatures\7470d51d-4616-8460-a164-d787fc89cd25\Content\STF\Pack03-LandscapePro\Environment\Foliage\Pines\pine-smal101\T_lod00_rgb_XVector_a_XExtentDividedby2048reaches2048_UV_2.uasset: Potential c
This is an assumed potential path for what cook machines could use, your path locally might be shorter than the cook machines … (FortValidator_AssetPathLength)
The path is TOO LONG, Fortnite Validator Asset Path Length Error