Fail to Convert Blueprint Project to C++ Project

Hello at first ^^

I wanted to Convert my Only Blueprint Project to a C++ Project and created therefor a C++ class in my Project. As it was described in the tutorial I watched there appeared all Things which should appear. Then i restarted the Project and i got a Error which said :“The Following Modules are missing or built with a different engine Version” and benieth it the Projects Name? So I really dont know how to proceed. Hope you can help me :smiley:

Thanks in forward


Thats the Error Which I get when i try to start It and when i press Rebuild then it does IMG2

This is The Error which I get when I try to Convert It to a C++ Project

Running F:/Steam/steamapps/common/UE_4.21/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe  -projectfiles -project="C:/Users/Konstantin/Documents/Unreal Projects/NewMechanics 4.20/NewMechanics.uproject" -game -rocket -progress -log=C:\Users\Konstantin\Documents\Unreal Projects\NewMechanics 4.20/Saved/Logs/UnrealVersionSelector-2018.11.22-20.21.16.log
Discovering modules, targets and source code for project...
While compiling C:\Users\Konstantin\Documents\Unreal Projects\NewMechanics 4.20\Intermediate\Build\BuildRules\NewMechanicsModuleRules.dll:
c:\Users\Konstantin\Documents\Unreal Projects\NewMechanics 4.20\Intermediate\Source\NewMechanics.Build.cs(3,14) : error CS0101: Der Namespace '' enth?lt bereits eine Definition f?r 'NewMechanics'.
c:\Users\Konstantin\Documents\Unreal Projects\NewMechanics 4.20\Intermediate\Source\NewMechanics.Target.cs(3,14) : error CS0101: Der Namespace '' enth?lt bereits eine Definition f?r 'NewMechanicsTarget'.
ERROR: UnrealBuildTool Exception: Unable to compile source

First of all don’t turn on editor, instead right click uproject file in oyur project directory and click “Generate VS project files”, this will generate sln file for oyur project, double click it to open. Now you need to try to build your module in VS.

Error suggest that your build scripts are messed up liek there double definition of things in there, those are cs files in Source directory, *.Build,cs and `*.Target.cs’ file check those out if there no any doubles. Try to build the project you have. If you can’t generate sln file then try to check those files with normal text file.

Alternatively you can try to delete Source directory, and in uproject file delete module deceleration text editor, this will make your back to blueprint project and you can try again to add class. You can also try to make separate C++ project with similar name, copy source directory and add module to uproject file (it will have name of C++ project you made), and oyu can do oppositecopy all the assets toghther with saved directory to C++ project.