Fade light in deep forest

Good evening, I need to create a scene in which a circle of grass is illuminated by a beam of light (direction light) and around there is a forest and there must be no light in the forest (fade light), how can I get this result?

Hey @Snowbeat,

A few questions to get things started:

  • Would a spotlight fit your needs? Does it need to be a directional light?
  • How dense is your forest? Can you increase the canopy so that shadows cover everything outside of the clearing?
  • Do you have a reference image we can see to get an idea of what specifically you are looking for?

Any additional specifics you provide can go a long way in solving your problem!

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Hello, thanks for the answer.
Spotlight is perfect but i need the sky and the effect must be like a sun. (At the moment i used ultra dynamic sky because that plugin create sky and clouds).

From the first picture you can see what the scene is like and how big it is.
in the second image I would like at the end of the circle there is darkness

@Quetzalcodename Do you need more details or is that ok?

Hey @Snowbeat!

Sorry for the late reply, took some looking into to figure it out. So here is a solution that may work for you.

If the spotlight does work as you want it but you need the sky, what you need to do is change the light channel of your directional light to something other than zero and you need something to block out the sky from where you are. The rest can be smoke and mirrors to simulate the effect of your Sun, but that will just need adjusting and tweaking to get what you are looking for.

The only other alternative would be to figure out some sort of post process effect to reach your goal, or to use invisible shadow casting meshes to block the light which may not be ideal.

I hope the above solution works for you!

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Wow, great suggestion.
For “the horizon” did you use cubes to cover?

Hey @Snowbeat,

I did use some cube walls to block the horizon, but you can use a custom mesh or landscape as well.