Hi there, I would like to implement a Seamless Travel that Fades In/ Fades Out for Seamless.
The Seamless Travel however seems to be scattered over multiple classes and I can’t find a good entry point.
I also would like the server to wait for every client to fade out before actual travelling and waiting for every player to travel before fade in. Any one has a starting point for this?
* Called when the local player is about to travel to a new map or IP address. Provides subclass with an opportunity
* to perform cleanup or other tasks prior to the travel.
virtual void PreClientTravel(const FString& PendingURL, ETravelType TravelType, bool bIsSeamlessTravel);
Wait for everyone - check out GameModeBase:
* Handles reinitializing players that remained through a seamless level transition
* called from C++ for players that finished loading after the server
* @param C the Controller to handle
virtual void HandleSeamlessTravelPlayer(AController*& C);
If you want to wait for everyone before fading in, you’ll need to check that the game mode received everyone and then manually tell each client to fade in.
On my PostLogin() Event I add the incoming PlayerController to my Players Array,
However the Players array is empty after Seamless Travel. It is useless and impossible to check whether all are travelled.
I do my screen fades when the levels themselves are changed. Fading TO black is hard, because you don’t really have any control over when seamless travel is going to happen (it needs to be instant really)
Fading from Black is pretty easy though, just bind a fade function to the PostLoadMapWithWorld delegate in FCoreDelegates.