FActorSpawnParameters Template - Spawned actor Overlap comp not working

Hi everyone, I’m facing the following problem:

I have some powerup actors on my stage that have an Overlap component. As soon as a characcter overlaps this component:

  1. The actor in its parent writes itself to an array in the instance
  2. In the actor itself, it passes some information to the character that overlapped its character
  3. Self-destructs

Basically all this logic works, but for some reason it stops working when these actors are spawned again.

I need when the charcter returns to the checkpoint (without reloading the level, just changing the transform), all the picked and destroyed powerups returned to their places and took the same parameters they had originally (and these variables are different from the default). Manual exposition is not suitable, so I decided to do it via spawn using Template in SpawnParameters.

On line 80 the objects are spawned in their places and even with the same parameters, BUT - OnSphereBeginOverlap doesn’t work!

After a little checking, I noticed that the newly spawned actors on the overlap sphere have GenerateOverlapEvents unchecked. But setting it manually or forcibly through BeginPlay gives an incomplete effect - data starts to transfer to the character, BUT - the overlap actor does not self-destruct!

Maybe you have solution or any ideas about respawning actors with old variables values.
I’d be very grateful.