Facial animation with bod

i want to creat my animations in sequencer to render rapid way flowing with enviroment and sounds.
My rigs are 4 types
1-Body and head unseperated with Morph targets in same skeleton
2-Body and head seperated body with bones and Head with morph targets,
3-Body and head unseperated ,For talking animations with bone/jonits facial rig no morph target.
4-Body and head seperated both are joint bases facial rig and body rig,

i need help how to do it in unreal flowing through my project. i am not a game maker, i am making animations and trying to get high polygon count in one screen in real time fast render fast wrokflow.

Which rig and HOW should i use my imported facial animations with sound in unreal.

i dont have knowledge about unreal i am so newbie in unreal and i have short time to make my animations in unreal.

Blueprints is like ocean and a long long way for me to learn,of course in years i am gonna learn but for now i need help to make animations for first step.