face ar sample iphone 11 pro help

i have deployed the file on iphone 11 pro but it stays on searching for faces and its stops. please help

I’m having the same issue :frowning:

What version of the engine are you using?
On 4.21 and 4.22 the app works just fine for me on iPhoneX

I am useing 4.23.1 and

​​​​​​I am useing windows ,engine 4.23.1 and mac conneted for exporting to iOS and having iphone 11… we don’t have iphone x…
i was thinking that becoz of iphone 11 it’s not working… is it so?

​​​​​​First 2 secs it searching then it says searching for faces and it keeps on searching.

4.23 is known to have issues with the FaceARSample…so if you can, downgrade to 4.22 it’ll work

Will try this today i just wanted ask iphonex and iphone 11 doesn’t make any difference to the ar sample file ?

I am a personal user of apple so this is a good topic to been discussed. I want to say one thing that is if you do not charge your device so well it can show you an important massage as that is
mac error code 36 and I am not getting the issue .

Honestly I don’t know, since I own only the iPhoneX, so if anyone else want to add a comment about it maybe it can help…but anyway, create and install the .ipa from 4.22 and give it a go, it should work.

its not opening in iphone11 now… Y_Y… please help someone… enter reality please help…

did you setup correctly all the certificates and provisioning? because if not, the app won’t open at all on your iPhone.
In case previously it was working, and not is not working, the issue can be somewhere else, not sure where.

i am doing again with 4.23 now… it happened was opening previously but only face was not tracking… if this 4.23 file opens then will try to do again with 4.22. downloading 4.20 engine also…

please help… someone in the community… something new in ue_4.20 please help

UATHelper: Packaging (iOS): Picking the default remote server
UATHelper: Packaging (iOS): Doing date +"%s" && sysctl hw.memsize | awk ‘{print $2}’ && sysctl hw.logicalcpu | awk ‘{print $2}’
UATHelper: Packaging (iOS): Execute took 00:00:00.1820412
UATHelper: Packaging (iOS): ERROR: Failed to run init commands on remote server Output = Permission denied (publickey,password,keyboard-interactive).
UATHelper: Packaging (iOS): (see C:\Users\Sutanu\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\C+Program+Files+Epic+Games+UE_4.20\UBT-FaceARSample-IOS-Development.txt for full exception trace)
PackagingResults: Error: Failed to run init commands on remote server Output = Permission denied (publickey,password,keyboard-interactive).
UATHelper: Packaging (iOS): Took 1.041237s to run UnrealBuildTool.exe, ExitCode=5
UATHelper: Packaging (iOS): ERROR: UnrealBuildTool failed. See log for more details. (C:\Users\Sutanu\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\C+Program+Files+Epic+Games+UE_4.20\UBT-FaceARSample-IOS-Development.txt)
UATHelper: Packaging (iOS): (see C:\Users\Sutanu\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\C+Program+Files+Epic+Games+UE_4.20\Log.txt for full exception trace)
PackagingResults: Error: UnrealBuildTool failed. See log for more details. (C:\Users\Sutanu\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\C+Program+Files+Epic+Games+UE_4.20\UBT-FaceARSample-IOS-Development.txt)
UATHelper: Packaging (iOS): AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=5 (5)
UATHelper: Packaging (iOS): BUILD FAILED
PackagingResults: Error: Unknown Error

please help…

Pixieh, did you find a solution for your problem? I’m having the exact same error on 4.20.

no buddy no solution to this…

There is an app called Facelink on the app store.
Is free for download and, in short, is the FaceAR project packaged and uploaded there, so if you’re having troubles with deployment, just use that and it will save tons of headaches :smiley: