"Fab will not support open-text reviews or questions sections"

Come to think of it, can’t they just use this forum for the Q&A stuff? I know that it wouldn’t be immediately visible, but it’ll be an lot faster to implement

Numerous purchases I’ve made were because of the reviews and QA sections quickly answering questions. We didn’t even gain anything useful like a change log either.


I hope they at least propose an alternative or something. This is an incredibly awful decision for me as a customer. People have been posting Questions, or pointed out things / issues in the assets that may or may not influence my decision to buy something from the marketplace.

Especially the Question section was super useful, when UE5 just recently got around, some people asked if an asset pack was already compatible with XYZ of UE5 and when the creator said Yes, some asset packs were an instant buy.

Now with the lack of any text I am extra-hesitant. Nice work, Epic.

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I completely agree, this decision feels like a major step back for customers who rely on transparency and community feedback. The open-text reviews and questions section were vital in helping buyers make informed decisions, especially with assets that have technical aspects or compatibility concerns. It’s frustrating to think that now we’ll have less visibility on issues or updates, and we’ll be forced to rely solely on the marketplace descriptions, which aren’t always detailed enough.

Like you mentioned, the questions section was incredibly helpful for staying informed about things like compatibility with new engine versions, and it’s disappointing to see that resource being removed. I really hope Epic reconsiders this or at least introduces an alternative solution that maintains that level of interaction and transparency. Without it, I’m definitely going to be more hesitant when it comes to buying assets.

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