"Fab will not support open-text reviews or questions sections"

Just a short consideration.
Without a text revew, It’s quite unlikely I’ll purchase one more product on Fab.


Oh my God, FAB is in danger now… without this guy’s purchases the Store is destined to vanished :skull::scream:

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Text reviews and ratings should be removed, this is a new marketplace and should be treated as such … also let’s not forget that there are a huge number of fake ratings/stars, we have an opportunity to fix this now.

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Fab will have the ratings, but not the text that shows why a specific rating was given.

Now, if a product had 1000 fake reviews because of a Discord verify or had a few bad reviews because someone was trolling/bashing, there will be no more a way to know.

So now, because a few abused of the system, all the other honest sellers have to suffer. It’s not in my opinion a good start for Fab.

And yes, it’s totally normal that buyers will be discouraged to buy anything. When I buy something I like to read what other people say about the product. Stars alone mean nothing, maybe it’s trolling, maybe it’s a seller abuse, maybe it’s just someone didn’t understand something, etc. Why should this be different for the people buying my products?

PS. The whole Discord verification drama could be completely avoided if the Marketplace had a way for sellers to verify the person that asked for support has really bought that product.
Although I never asked people who asked support for my products for a verification, I hope that the Fab will have a possibility to verify transaction IDs because in the future I want to be sure that the people I offer support to, are not pirates.


I just received a 3-star review, not because of the product’s quality but due to the Unreal Engine version compatibility. I can already picture how this transition will discourage potential buyers, as they won’t be able to properly assess the pros and cons of products anymore. :clown_face:

This feels so real:

It's ironic to see someone complain about harassment and trolling on the UE Marketplace, while engaging in the same behavior here on the forums, targeting a random person just because they expressed concerns about the star-only review system on Fab. I guess we get what we deserve...

In that case, you certainly deserve not to have text-reviews :tipping_hand_man:

Anyway don’t feed the troll: you just waste your time with them

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Name calling now? Lol. Moderators… please put a leash to this :sob::baby:t3:

Hi everyone. Thank you all for your feedback on this issue. We’ll let you know if the plans as they are (i.e., no open text reviews; improved review system coming later) change.

Yeah, this is a disaster. The reason Steam is so popular vs Epic Game Store, its because it has user reviews, you go there as yoiu trust. Without text revews… meh. Just fix original issue of sellers abusing 5-stars


Just wanting to add another voice/vote to the pile - so many times I’ve looked a product with 3 stars and found the issues in the low reviews are not relevant to my purposes and bought the asset happily, other times it’s the opposite and I’ve avoided a headache and wasted money.

The question/answers section is equally invaluable for getting support for common issues without having to mail the creator directly and wait for a response. Just gutting that these features I depend on are now gone.


It has launched now, there are zero text reviews and especially the existing ones did not carry over which is unacceptable imo. - Especially towards the sellers that worked insanely hard on their products.


You all had it coming. Lots of Devs abused the system with Discord and harassment. Enough crying, let’s move on.

No text reviews? That’s so bad :-1: :-1:
I was actually going through text reviews and questions if plugin does support what I need!!


Epic doesn’t seem to take a hint… this is the second time now they’ve done this. I’ll refer you to my post the last time you (Epic) decided to disable questions/reviews and remind you of just how many people rose up against your decision to do so…

All of the feedback in that post remains relevant to what Fab should be…


I really hope that Epic adds a text review system. The only sane solution I can see right now is to “pirate” the addons that you consider “useful” and if they actually end up being useful and have quality then you can buy them.

Piracy is not good but it’s the only thing that can be a safeguard against fake ratings and review phishing.

@skfabby If epic cannot add a text review system then is it possible to have a refund option after we buy something ? I think a 1 week refund period option is enough to make people decide if the product meets their needs, otherwise it’s just blindly buying things without a way to check the quality.


like that is improving with not offering written reviews …- this just leads to more abuse as every review will be the same without real ones shining through

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@skfabby 100’s of products who used the review system wrongly now have top places due to no moderation from Epic’s side. Do you think that is right? I mean I was expecting Epic team knew of these big issues and would do something about it.


Well, so far I’m kind of disappointed that they didn’t carry over my bookmarks and there isn’t an option to create any new ones. And my library on the website is completely empty, which is kind of concerning.

But other than that. As the others said, it feels kind of barren without enabling text reviews.

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Why I am in this topic anyway? I wanted to buy a product. But it has 4.8 starts. Why not 5? With text reviews, I would quickly find out and usually buy, because its irrelevant. But now I do not know. For me the solution would be to “trial” the product using barely legal means, but I do not want to do that, I just want Epic to keep good review system they had