FAB Problems

This YES PLEASE! This is so so needed. We can’t realy function properly without it.


My account “gdsdj@qq.com" cannot be logged in. After logging in, this page is displayed. I cannot enter any other pages or log out. :: https://www.fab.com/es-es/es-es/support

If we purchased a Kitbash3D pack from Kitbash3D is there a way to transfer that license onto fab so its easier for me to add to a project via fab plugin rather than having to install KitBash3Ds plugin?

For this, you will need to contact Kitbash team. They probably will give you either a code to redeem here, or add it to your account here themselves, given the asset in question already exists here too.

Upvote for wishlist

Hey any sales for end of the year?

Hi there, everyone. In case you missed it, we’ve released a roadmap that covers many of the topics mentioned above. Epic Developer Community | Fab Roadmap


This is my biggest gripe.
They really helped me understand products. (more understanding = more purchase)
And that my 5-star reviews were lost on my own products.

Image Viewing - We can’t we click an image to zoom in. I did recently discover to my surprise we can dbl-click thumbnails to zoom, but not the main image, which is odd. Then the image overflows beyond the screen rather than sizing to fit the window, which isn’t good for ultra-wide viewing. To sum it up, the image viewing experience is a bit clunky.


The featured free content isn’t applying the discount as well
2025-01-14 11-58-47.mkv (4.3 MB)

To piggy-back on the above comments from @Astaraa and others - open-text reviews is at the end of the roadmap despite being the most requested feature. This is something a competent development team could implement in a week or two. FAB was Launched in October. It’s January.

Any possible update on when we might see the marketplace become usable again?

There’s not a single item on the roadmap marked as complete.

  • For searches (both purchased and items to purchase) can sort by …
    removing megascans quixel from the search / quixel megascans only in search
    removing purchased assets from the search / purchased assets only in search
    removing sketchfab from the search / sketchfab only in search
  • ascending / descending order of your owned assets
  • ability to archive (not remove) older assets
  • ability to mark some purchased assets as favorites
  • wishlist