F5 Shows me Extremely Bad Performance Errors.

Hey Guys,

Ok, I was in the editor and for some reason I pressed F5. Now this is firs time i have seen this, and it’s look my my scene that I created has some really bad performance warnings.

I have uploaded a screennie of the warnings.

So, how can I fix this or make this better?


@anonymous_user_563791c6 Your question is a bit vague, what is the picture of? If it’s foliage, then you might expect it to look like this. If it’s a material applied to meshes, it’s time to make the ‘shader’ more efficient ( ie, make the material simpler ).

Ok, in the editor you can press F5…then it gives you what you see above here in the picture.

The Red Rain is just a simple Rain emitter, how can u make that different? The rain is showing up as “red” which equals bad.

Also, the worst of the scene is “Steam”…I have a few Steam particle effects bunched up together but it looks super cool.

I really would not want to change this…

Does anyone know why the Rain would show up as “Bad”??


The red to white showing when you use translucent materials are normal because there is always a lot of redraw happening. If you load the project Soul: City from Epic you will notice the same with the rain and steam there, the background aswel.

So how do you make Rain that does not do this? What is Soul City?

Do you know?

This is the project you can download for free from the marketplace: Soul: City in Epic Content - UE Marketplace

It is a whole rainy level with a city. There you will see the same behavior when you play F5, because this is what is expected for any effect which uses lots of translucency like rain, fog, foliage, there is no way to get rid of it.

People usually try to retain the rainy area following the player so the area where the effect runs is small and you don’t need too many particles at the emitter. Another approach is to transform the rain in a postprocess effect. You control better the bad areas, but definitely you can’t get rid of it, but live with it in a comfortable way in your project.

Wow, thanks .

I am constantly amazed of ho*w *coolpeople are on this forums. :slight_smile:

Ok, i will use Rain with caution. I did see there is a "recycle"option*. *Maybe this can help along with Culling the distance.

If using rain in a postprocess effect is the way to go, then I will look into it. Thank again for being super helpful on this.
