Extremely low performance after lighting build and texture build crashes engine

Hey people! I need some help with performance issues which I never had:

I have a large landscape with a lot of props and lights etc on it.
First issue: after building the lighting (took 3 hours!) the map began to reduce my performance EXTREMELY, it says video memory exhausted by something like 1.5GB over budget. However, I have an RTX 2070 with 8 GB VRAM which should be okay I think, this seems weird to me in general. Setting shadows to low increases performance a lot and setting it to medium kills my PC again.

Second issue: Texture streaming pool is also over its limit + building textures results in a crash of the engine - this could be any texture in the map that is somehow broken I guess, but maybe someone knows something.

I’d appreciate any help, thanks :slight_smile:

Dynamic lighting needs a decent GPU to make it happen. If you want to side step all that with static lighting, the tradeoff is storing everything precomputed in memory.

If you do it with a huge landscape, you’ll be using a huge amount of memory. That’s your problem, I think.

The texture streaming is a separate thing. It’s a little harder to judge, because the streaming doesn’t get flushed in the editor. First, set the streaming buffer to the correct size with ‘r.streaming.poolsize 8000’. If you can restart the editor, and play without the error, then it’s ok. But if you immediately get the error, then you’re just using to many different materials / textures.

If it seems to be borderline at that point, it will probably be ok in the packaged game.

Thanks for the reply!

I managed to fix the texture streaming problem. There were multiple factors involved that Unreal couldn’t handle well apparently, some problem with duplicate GUIDs.

I am using a few stationary lights like a maximum of 10 lights in the whole map currently, since I didn’t do much of level building/design. But maybe that’s enough to fill the GPU memory, I am not really experienced with optimisation stuff.

I will try less lights and build again and/or try static lights instead for now to test, if it helps!

You can have as many stationary lights as you want. It’s the fact that the lightmaps have to be built for every mesh. When you have a large area, that’s a lot of memory.

Okay this might sound stupid for experienced people, but I’ll learn from mistakes:

I had to adjust a few point light radii, there were numbers like 16000 in at least 5 lamps in one house which of course lead to HUGE performance problems.

After turning down the numbers a lot I got all my frames back.

Thanks for pointing things out that helped me find my issue!

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