Extreme Framerate Drop When Interacting with Creative Devices


When selecting a Creative Device in the 3D space within the editor, the framerate drops significantly. This issue persists even when all Engine Scalability Settings are set to Low. My system is high-performance, so hardware limitations should not be the cause.

The most severe performance drop occurs when selecting the Beacon Device.

In a nearly empty project, my editor framerate drops from 120 FPS to ~10 FPS, making working with Creative Devices slow and tedious.

Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open a project in Unreal Editor for Fortnite.
  2. Place a Beacon Device in the scene.
  3. Select the device in the 3D space.

Expected Result

The editor should maintain a stable framerate when selecting Creative Devices, ensuring smooth workflow and interaction.

Observed Result

The framerate drops drastically, making editing and working with Creative Devices slow and difficult.



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