Extrapolate clamped texture with fixed color

I want to set a small texture onto a large object, that only consists of one face. So I unwraped this face (in Blender) and scaled it up in the UV editor. The more I scale it up, the smaller the texture is on the object. (I hope it’s understandable: The unwrapped faces goes beyond the normal borders of the uv map.)

The problem is, that the pixels outside the texture are just continued from its border pixels, but I want them to be transparent (or any other color that I set).

As you can see, the corners of the stop sign are already transparent, so most of the object is blue as desired, but it also touches the border and – depending on the LOD – either the very thin black or the bigger white border of the sign are extrapolated to the sides beyond the texture.

Please note that I disabled tiling in my texture asset by setting “X/Y-axis tiling method” to Clamp. You can find this option in the section “Texture” under Advanced.

While you can achieve that by modifying the material, I would consider this:

  • Scale down the stop sign in a texture editing program just a little(while keeping the texture size constant)
  • Draw a narrow blue frame around the texture borders

Well, nearly two years too late, but at least someone cares of my problems :slight_smile:

My result:

Looks like a hack, but you can easily define a frame in the material editor. Connecting the “Scale” parameter to the “Texture Scale” input node is not necessary, but let’s you scale the texture additionally.


Thank you bro but one question
how to slide the texture on X and Y axis to get logo as centered?
because the logo appears on surface on wrong direction