Extracting procedural mesh component information from hit actor node

There is a first person shooter standing on a procedural mesh floor in the scene. There is a single blueprint to generate the mesh, and another blueprint to control the character. I want the character to deform the procedural mesh at the point it aims at. So I used the rayTraceByChannel function and also connected breakHitResult function. Now I need this function to return the reference of the procedural mesh whenever ray trace hits it.

I couldn’t figure out how to extract the hit informaiton about the procedural mesh via hit Actor node of breakHitResult.
So in short, I need to make the connection in the image below, but the nodes dont match and it gives error.

And this is the blueprint I used to generate mesh floor.

Thanks in advance.

Hello @ege19ege , you have to cast from the pin “hit COMPONENT” in the break hit result node to procedural mesh component, then you can connect it to the node “get section from procedural mesh”
