Hi all! I ran into a sudden problem. I have a Metahuman project, it’s clean and always works great and fast. Today, as usual, I worked on this project and didn’t do anything new, the same process, didn’t load anything. But suddenly it became very slow, about 2-5 FPS after I add a 3d object to the scene, although I had not (always) had problems with this before. At the same time, any other models, even those that I have already used before and with which I have not experienced any problems, now I also experience 2 fps. What should I do? I don’t use Lumen and complex settings. Everything has been set to high performance for a long time … what could it be? how do i solve this?
and VERY BIG Latency (200ms)
Hey there @alexivai1! Welcome back to the community! Such a drastic shift can definitely be caused by both environmental or internal factors so we’re going to have to do some diagnostics to see where it could be getting pushed.
First we’ll check internal, mainly the GPU first. Run the commands Stat GPU
then Stat RHI
to see what is causing the GPU most draw and mem.
Next (and sounds like you already have) check what’s pulling on the CPU with Stat Unit
If all factors in engine seem good, the next place to look is outside of it. Check your Memory, CPU, and GPU utilization to see if you’re getting close to maxing out on any.
Sooooo interesting … you won’t believe it, I moved the objects literally 10 meters (figuratively speaking) and the FPS became normal, but if I move them back to that place, then everything returns. Although there is NOTHING in that place) what is it?)
Moving the objects correct the RHIT issues? I’m not exactly sure why that is. How far are these objects from origin? It’s possible that your Render targets are rerending each other. Try disabling the RTs at the old location and see if it works.
Unfortunately, it worked once, if I change the object again, everything returns and moving doesn’t help.
Hrm, I’ve been seeing reports in 5.03 and 5.1 of massive RHIT spikes at random intervals. Is your project by chance using DX12/SM6? Are you currently utilizing nanite and lumen? Could you try dropping to DX11 and seeing if the RHIT values disappear?