I am working on a project that uses UE4 as a UI fronted/compositor. I want multiple external applications to be able to create UE assets and then submit them for rendering to a single UE4 instance as if it was a runtime library similar to using Win32 MFC on windows and X11 on linux.
Currently I have UE4 running as server with a basic API receiving basic requests that perform basic 2D slate operations, but if I want to do anything complex like add custom bitmaps or make use of UE4s advance rendering I would have to effectively have an API like createUEObject or something for every little thing which would be pretty slow IMO, and require a lot of annoying boilerplate coding.
Ideally I would like to be able to import UE4 as a shared library and access all the classes like a shared library while having the app maintain its own virtual memory space.
Is this possible at all? If not I might just have the external apps be implemented as modules which I was hoping to avoid cuz I’d really like to reduce the likelihood of an app bringing down the whole UE4 instance, but oh well…