Extending C++ Class (Base/Abstract) with BP Class

How to add an C++ Actor Component to a C++ Actor Class whereas the C++ Actor Component has been extended with a Blueprint? I am able to add the Component to the Class but I am not having the BP Functionality with it. Then even inheriting from the C++ Actor Class brings me worst: The Component is always null, and/or its virtual functions which have been implemented in BP are not being called.

I thought C++ can be extended with BP and that C++ Class can after that be inherited…How to get C++ and BP stitched up together? I expected sth like one C++ Class and one BP Class for every Class…

Hello! Check this

Parent class

#pragma once

#include "GameFramework/Actor.h"
#include "MyActor.generated.h"

class UMyActorComponent;

class MYPROJECT_API AMyActor : public AActor {



	UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "My", meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true"))
		UMyActorComponent* MyActorComponent;

// cpp
#include "MyActor.h"
#include "MyActorComponent.h"

// Sets default values
AMyActor::AMyActor(const FObjectInitializer& objInit) :Super(objInit) {
	MyActorComponent = CreateDefaultSubobject<UMyActorComponent>("MyActorComponent");

Child class

#pragma once

#include "MyActor.h"
#include "MyActor_Child.generated.h"

class MYPROJECT_API AMyActor_Child : public AMyActor {

// cpp
#include "MyActor_Child.h"
#include "MyActorComponent.h"
#include "UObject/ConstructorHelpers.h"

AMyActor_Child::AMyActor_Child(const FObjectInitializer& objInit) :Super(
	objInit.SetDefaultSubobjectClass(TEXT("PathFollowingComponent"), ConstructorHelpers::FClassFinder<UMyActorComponent>(TEXT("/Game/BP_MyActorComponent")).Class.Get())
) {}