yes it’s possible by a little workaround,… I’m kinda doing the same thing,…
So, first, you can’t directly expose Niagara parameters into the sequencer directly… there is actually a Niagara Parameter collection (kinda same thing like a MPC but for Niagara, and so far, at least on my side, I can’t link it into the sequencer… guess it’s WIP or “so”)
… But enough talking, I show you how i solve this (pretty shure there are some other ways too):
Create a user exposed parameter:
Click on the “Link” Symbol, go to “Make” and hit “Read from new User parameter”
Now you get this “exposed Parameter” here:
It will be named after the Parameter you want to expose… but you can rename it to your needs
(Pro tip after renaming the Exposed parameter,… relink it (maybe this is just a UE5EA bug for now,… but after renaming, the link gets broken, even when everything’s looking fine…)
To link User Parameters, simply Klick on the Link again and, find your way…
With this you’re able to link other Parameters with one Exposed Parameter and more…
Okay so now you’ve got ur User Parameters that u need exposed and niiicely named…
Time to do some little wrapping… and creating a Material Parameter Collection…
Create your Scalars (or vectors, whatever you need)…
This is what is then animated (the MPC) in the sequencer, that will drive the User exposed parameters of your niagara sys.
In my case,… just some Logic names,… for that stuff I want to animate
now we need to link the MPC somehow with the Niagara System, this is easily achieved via Blueprint…
So instead of dropping the System into your scene directly, we’ll create a Actor Blueprint and throw the Niagara System in… (just drag the System into your components list of your BP,… see Screenshot)
Now create a “get scalar Parameter value” node,… in it’s dropdown, select your MPC and the Parameter from which you want to read the values from…
Next… Create a “Set niagara variable” node (float or vector,… whatever you need in your case)
Connect your “Niagara sys” as the target (drag it from the list into the graph to get it)
And type in the name of the “user exposed” parameter of your niagara system which you want to feed the values into…
Connect the execution “lines” (the white ones, sry don’t know how well u know blueprints, …anyways )
Connect the return value from the Get scalar Param node to the set niagara node (do some crazy math or other stuff in between )
And that’s basically it…
What you need to do now is,… instead of draging the niagara system into your scene, you do it with this blueprint,…
Go into your Sequencer, link your MPC,… choose the param that you want to animate, and, jeah, simply animate it…
To test all of this,… the easiest is to set your engine to “simulate”
So to recap, in my case, I controll several params in the Niagara system with only one parameter of the MPC… using the blueprint actors as, jeah, the “wrapper”…
Hope this helps a little
Cheers P.