I’m trying to follow this official tutorial to export a 360 video: https://www.unrealengine.com/blog/ca...nreal-engine-4
The plugin is enabled. Unreal is restarted. Project is rebuild. In the console I entered:
SP.OutputDir D:/tmp/stereo
In Windows Taskmanager I see used memory is increased by 3Gb, a short hickup in the editor but no images are saved. Using 4.13.0 preview 1. I tried it before in 4.12 (I think) and it worked back then.
Posted on the forum and got a reply by Unreal Engine Developer Sam Dieter to “not change the output directory because by default the images that are output should be placed in your Saved folder under a folder called StereoPanorama”.
Restarted Unreal Engine and tried that but still the same result: no images are saved.
Am I doing something wrong or can anyone confirm it’s broken?