Exporting low-polygon meshes from Blender to Unreal Engine 4 problem

I am having a problem when importing the .fbx file of a low-polygon mesh I created in Blender into the Unreal Engine 4. This is how my low-poly Spaceship looks in Blender 2.78 :

(see storage image 1)

Four different Materials with (slightly) different colors attatched to different faces of the mesh. And that is how it looks when I exported this spaceship as a .fbx file and imported it into the Unreal Engine 4.15.1 :

(see storage image 2)

As you can see the grey material completely disappeared and all other materials are out of place.

What am I doing wrong?
I have searched for solutions to this problem for days but I couldn’t even find anyone having a similar problem.
Also I am working with Blender becaus everyone in the internet said it would work for Unreal 4, but may this be the problem?

I’m sorry because the pictures are not included in the text but I think this forum just doesn’t want me to do that.
If you like you can also tell me what I have to do to fix that little issue…

Hey Xrenon.

If you check the details panel on the model inside unreal; you can change the material on the sections.

Hopefully this should fix it within unreal, however I’m not sure why it is exporting incorrectly from blender.


Thank you very much Tom, that was the hint I needed! Now I know how to fix the mess created when transferring meshes from blender to unreal. I noticed those sections before but - since I am not trusted with Unreal - didn’t know that LODs were the solution of this problem. And so I could also recreate the lost grey material in the Unreal Engine and add it to the faces I needed it to be.

Xrenon the Gamemage a.k.a. also Tom :smiley: