Exporting localization disconnects from server


When I try to export the localization, it disconnects the revision control. Then, when I attempt auto-localization, it says “connection to server failed.”

Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?

Unreal Revision Control

Steps to Reproduce

Step 1: Click on the Build window
Step 2: Export the localization
Step 3: Disconnection from revision control occurs
Step 4: In the window, trigger the Auto Localization build
Step 5: Auto Localization failed

Expected Result

that the localization and translation system works properly

Observed Result

Server connection error message failed



Hi Coupala, we’ll get someone to take a look.

Ticket: FORT-815596

Could you zip up your UEFN log folder and send it over to either me or @LadyzShow ?

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Thank you so much! I’ve sent it to you as a private message on the forum. :smiley:

I found a “solution” to the localization problem. It turns out that when doing export localization, the autolocalization files generated by epic generate the code for the new translations but do not translate anything until doing build auto localization (which fails), but if I manually put the translations in the files, the auto localization build completes successfully immediately and the localization works!!!

Hey! How do you manually put the translations into the files?

After the export localization, UEFN create .po files for each language you request to translate, but the translation is empty string “”, so you have to put the translation what you want there

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The problem is that I can’t open his files on uefn, they tell me I don’t have permission to open them, and build auto localization failed :

You can see the file directly in VS code, in UEFN cannot be opened

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FORT-830864 has been ‘Closed’ as a duplicate of an existing known issue.

How do you put the PO files generated by Epic manually?

It seems that the island cannot be published because manual translations are not allowed.