I’ve been messing around in UE4 a lot lately, creating objectsto work with, and building a basic scene.
After a while I realised that materials would stretch different on different objects.
I created a wall which was 2x4 blender units large, and another wall 2x8, since I wanted oo be able to build a more flexible wall with different lenghts. But once they got imported, both of them was set to 1x1 unreal units.
So when a material is placed on the object, it believes they are the same size, and stretches according to that, but then the larger objects suddenly have poor low res textures.
How do I fix this? Do I just create all objects in the same size, and then place them side by side after imported? Seems like a hassle if you ask me.
Also, if anyone has a link to a tutorial about how level editing works, then please, bring it on. You don’t know how many times I’ve been way to close to rip my hair off when trying to do this stuff.
Yeah, I found it. But it doesn’t scale to the exact size I want to, and then I’ll have to scale every object differently. Why doesn’t UE import things at the size they were created?
they should be at the exact same original size, but showing the scale as “1x1” in unreal means “it’s exactly in the same scale as the imported version”, scale doesn’t means “size”, scale means “size compared to the original imported version”, a way to avoid your problem is using BSPs if you just want to create a wall or something like this -don’t change the scale of BSPs, change the size directly or else you will have the same problem- with BSPs you can adjust the “surface” re-scale and translate the materials but BSPs can’t gerenate overlap events, if you need to use static meshs, create their own textures and materials, or you can wait, i’m just a beginner, maybe someone not as dumb as me come here and show us another way to solve your problem.