안녕하세요. 이미지를 export 할때, (래스터 / 패스트레이서 ) 매트리얼이 깨지는 현상이 발생합니다. 도와주세요 ㅠㅠ 컴퓨터 사항 rtx 2060 super / i7 -11700

I'm not sure if this answers your question - but see below (reply by Morgan C to similar issue);

Thank you for reaching out in the community, please know that this is a known issue that we are currently investigating.

In the meantime, please try the following:

  • Adjust the Camera > Near clipping slider
  • Enable Depth of field and adjust the DOF settings.
  • Ensure that the model is close to, or centered on the origin point(0,0,0) in it's original software
  • If you are needing to scale the model, it may be helpful to do so in the original software before importing as well


덕분에 문제를 해결할 수 있었어!

알려준 방법대로 하니 모든 문제가 해결되었어!!

클리핑과 DOF로 해결했어 ^^ 고마워!!! 정말 고마워!!