Export model with multiple textures from Blender to Unreal Engine 4

I am experiencing difficulties importing a model with two textured materials from Sketchup pro to Blender and finally to Unreal Engine 4.

SketchUp image with a brick and timber texture from JPEG maps.

Blender recognizes my two materials as different ‘UV maps’ on the dropdown menu.
Online tutorials recommend deleting the second UV map (ID19) and replacing it with a LightMap.

However, after exporting my .fbx file and opening it in UE4, my second material disappears (brick texture disappears (color is there though!) but timber texture remains)

Could someone shed some light on how I can get the brick layer to show up? I am able to export with one single material on but not with two different materials on a model. I assume it is not to do with scale as the timber is scaled to the exact as the SU image.

It seems like that your uv channel for the brick texture is not correct -> recreate it :slight_smile:
Make sure to dont use the 2nd uv channel for your material -> put the lightmap on it: ://

I am really new to this,
could you please explain further/ go into detail about recreating the uv channel for brick texture?

Thank you for replying!

In blender: Just select the uv channel from the brick -> create a new uv map () :slight_smile:


I am slightly confused. This video is about creating new textures in blender using photoshop and I already have materials brought in from sketch up and would like to keep those instead of recreating them in photoshop. As there are more walls compared to the bottle, it is almost much more confusing to get every wall. :frowning: I intend to use this method for a model with more textures next.

I have tried looking for a step by step tutorial but can’t seem to find one online. I have also tried using other materials (instead of the brick one) and it still does not work. I don’t know how to combine all my textures into 1 UV map, even after crtl+j my walls. it still ends up as individual UV maps.

Hi Lneo

I have the same problem and i’m trying hard to fix it. I was looking here for a solution and i’ve found this conversation, and something you wrote gave me a clue for searching, here is what i’ve found, but i don’t know if it’s going to work, i haven’t test it yet:
I hope this helps

Do you plan on having seperate materials or textures? You can assign materials per polygon. When you import into UE4 you will see that the mesh has several material slots. These correlate to the materials you assigned to each polygon.
For textures (I believe there is a better way, and this way might not even work…I have never had to do this yet), unwrap the faces you want to have one texture in its own UV map layer. Make a new layer and unwrap another set of faces. Give each UV the texture you want. Then create another UV layer, unwrap all of the mesh, and bake out the texture to the whole UV unwrap layer.

If you plan on using lightmass for your lighting, be sure to split the walls and floors into their own objects so that you don’t have to use one giant lightmass map size. Try to split the walls at sharp angles, splitting them along a flat area will cause weird shadowing issues.
