Export Model and Textures


I’m new to Capturing Reality and photogrammetry in general, and I don’t understand how to simply export my model with its textures (Diffuse and Normal).

Here’s what I’ve done:

  • import my images
  • Align them
  • Caculate Model (Normale Quality)
  • Simplify Tool (19M to 1M + Generate normal map)
  • Texturing (8K)

I can see that the 2 textures have been generated in the viewport.

Now I want to export my model and its textures.

  • Export
  • OBJ

And here are the export parameters I have (the problem probably comes from here). I also notice that in “source layer” I only have the option for the “color layer” and not the normal one.

Once the model is exported, I import it into blender and I notice that only the diffuse texture has been exported but also that it exports 2 diffuse textures with 2 different materials for the same mesh (whereas I’d only like to have my mesh with a diffuse texture and a normal texture with a single material).
Capture d’écran 2023-09-22 103903

It’s probably a silly question, but I’ve been racking my brains about this for days now and I can’t find any up-to-date export tutorials.

Does anyone know how?
Thanks a lot!

Hi Crof,
in your process you created diffuse layer (which is a texture layer) and normal layer (which are basically normals).
In your export settings you had set No to Export normals, so they weren’t exported.
Exported model has only one texture, but two files (u0_v0 and u1_v0) were created for that texture. Probably because just one wasn’t enough for your model.

Thanks for the reply @OndrejTrhan,

I tried to check Export vertex Normale and I still only have 2 diffuses that export, no normals.
Capture d’écran 2023-09-22 111958

Hi, sorry for that. I misread some information. You are exporting LOD and it seems there is no possibility to export Normals.
Please, try the ordinary model export
, there you can export normals, too:


Holy sh**! Thank you
it finally works!

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