Export mesh real time

Hi, there is a method for extract in real-time the mesh of a object? I need it for a Flex-Mesh for view the deformation paramter.

You can do this at runtime:

// Grab the static mesh from your Static Mesh Actor
UStaticMeshComponent* StaticMeshComponent = MeshActor->GetStaticMeshComponent();
if (!StaticMeshComponent) return;
UStaticMesh* StaticMesh = StaticMeshComponent->GetStaticMesh();
if (!StaticMesh || !StaticMesh->RenderData) return;
if (StaticMesh->RenderData->LODResources.Num() == 0) return;

const FStaticMeshVertexBuffer& VertexBuffer = StaticMesh->RenderData->LODResources[0].VertexBuffer;
const FPositionVertexBuffer& PositionVertexBuffer = StaticMesh->RenderData->LODResources[0].PositionVertexBuffer;

// Build the vertex list
TArray<FVector> Vertices;
const int32 VertexCount = PositionVertexBuffer.GetNumVertices();
for (int32 i = 0; i < VertexCount; i++)
	FVector Vertex = PositionVertexBuffer.VertexPosition(i);
	FVector Normal = VertexBuffer.VertexTangentZ(i);
	// save in your vertex array

// Build the index list
TArray<uint32> Indices;  // << Result saved here
const FRawStaticIndexBuffer& IndexBuffer = StaticMesh->RenderData->LODResources[0].IndexBuffer;

// Optional: If you want the triangle vertices
	int NumIndices = Indices.Num();
	for (int i = 0; i < NumIndices; i += 3) {
		uint32 i0 = Indices[i + 0];
		uint32 i1 = Indices[i + 1];
		uint32 i2 = Indices[i + 2];

		const FVector& v0 = Vertices[i0];
		const FVector& v1 = Vertices[i1];
		const FVector& v2 = Vertices[i2];

		/// ...

where I must insert this code?
sorry for the banal question.

Create these two files and place the source folder

Open the *.Build.cs file on your code project and add “RenderCore” in the PublicDependencyModuleNames list to avoid linker errors

using UnrealBuildTool;

public class DA418X : ModuleRules
	public DA418X(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target)
		PCHUsage = PCHUsageMode.UseExplicitOrSharedPCHs;

		PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", "HeadMountedDisplay", "RenderCore" });

Call it from your blueprint when you want to export it during runtime


it´s works thanks a lot… where can i find the saved mesh?

It gives you raw data about the mesh at runtime so you can do your processing on it :slight_smile:

If you want the saved mesh, you can directly export it from the content browser (right click on the mesh and click export) to save it somewhere on disk

mmm when i press S i cant see the mesh in content browser.
I have a deformable mesh so i need export in real time for see deformation during test.
(I’m sorry for all these questions)
