Export camera captures to file

Hi. I’m trying to export camera captures to files.

I have made this program ang works but the image doesn’t change, all the files have the same image/size. The loop secuence is working because the filename is correct.

Any idea? Thanks.


I guess, you always get the same image, because you tell that “Export to Disk” node, that it should export one particular texture only.

I would say, there you have to put in a RenderTarget (one that captures, what the camera sees) instead of a normal texture, and then you also have to refresh or redraw this Rendertarget to actually get, what the camera sees after your camera got moved to the new position, and before you export the next image.

Isn´t there a screenshot node too?

Oh, and for rendertarget exist a special node, if it doesn´t work with your node: