Exponential height fog start distance not working?

My fog start distance isn’t working. I set the fog to 1000 and the start distance to 5000 to show that it isn’t working for me

Height fog need to be at 0,0,0 to work as expected

It’s not far off, but maybe it makes a difference.

Same problem. Tried this and it didn’t seem to have any effect. Doesn’t heightfog take its start distance from the camera location?

Edit: so the start distance appears to have some effect in lit mode, but for me the number has to be very high to have any visible effect (5000+). Still has no effect in Path Traced mode, which is what I need.

I have done this and it still does not work

Bump, any help please?

I fix this issue in my project. My camera is imported from c4d. Everything seems good, i just delete the old camera, and create a camera in UE, and start distance worked.


I was having the same problem and found that the location of the fog is the issue. Try adding another Exponential Height Fog actor and make sure you can see it’s location in your scene. Then the start distance will work based on that location. Also, note that there is a separate start distance for Volumetric Fog if you have that turned on.

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thank you so much i really didn’t know there is another start distance under the volumetric fog checkmark… that fixed the issue i have thank you !!!