When you end the game (returning to edit mode) and when getting eliminated, it is expected that the day sequence device briefly stops taking effect before resuming when you regain control of your character/respawn.
If you could more specifically show me how you have configured the level I will try to reproduce the issue. It would be very helpful to see how you have configured âWorld Time of Day Managerâ and âDisable All Time of Day Managersâ in World Settings â Time of Day. Additionally, the configuration of any Day Sequence Deviceâs and Exponential Height Fog actors you have in the level would be necessary to attempt to reproduce the issue.
When I regain control the effects dont resume snd i would have to either leave and join again or leave and launch a new session to see them again. And with the settings of the devices, it doesnât matter (Make sure the effects are obvious enough or itâll be hard to see if they dissapear) it will always do it. Even if enabled during game is true. I have also not dissbled the time of day manager. They dissapear with both thd chapter 5 and chapter 4 time of day manager.
Have you added your own exponential height fog to the level?
Also, how have you configured your day sequence device(s)? Specifically the most relevant information would be if Trigger Volume is enabled, if the volumes overlap each other (relevant only if Trigger Volume is enabled for any/all devices), and the Priority values for each device.
Screenshots of your settings that differ from the default values on all of your Day Sequence Devices would be helpful, and maybe a video of the behavior you are seeing if possible.
Yes i have added my own exponential height fog to the level, but i cant take screenshots since my computer broke yesterday. If there is a way to send you the projects. There are 2, one which the height fog is in and the other has the day sequence device. The day sequence map is published.
In this scenario you have 2 exponential height fogs, you should not add your own if using a Time of Day Manager. The Time of Day Manager includes one which is the one that the Day Sequence Device is controlling. If you have 2 exponential height fogs then any visual issues are likely the result of them competing. Try removing the one you added once you can and see if that resolves any issues.
Alternatively you can use the Day Sequence Device to disable the exponential height fog owned by the TODM under the Fog settings. Then you can use your own fog, but understand that once you do this the Day Sequence Device has no way of controlling the fog you added.
You do not need to manually add any kind of exponential height fog. The exponential height fog exists as long as you are using a Time of Day Manager and it will be active as long as you have not explicitly disabled it with a Day Sequence Device.
If you create a new project, add a Day Sequence Device, and manipulate the Fog settings (for example, increasing Fog Density), you should see the changes without ever needing to add your own exponential height fog.
ok so seems like the day sequence device is fixed as itâs effects used to disappear (not too long ago) and Iâve stayed away from the device because of it. I didnât realize that that had now been fixed