Expential Height Fog Over-exposure using old Tonemapper


  • Create a new project
  • Add expential height fog
  • Save and close project
  • Add r.TonemapperFilm=0 under [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings] in DefaultEngine.ini
  • Open project


  • Fog is completely over-exposed compared to 4.14


  • Fog should look like in 4.14 or should at least be tweak-able to get old look back (tweaking exposure or bloom settings does not help)


  • Yes

Look in 4.14 or in 4.15 with r.TonemapperFilm=1

Look in 4.15 with r.TonemapperFilm=0


So far I’ve not been able to reproduce what you’re seeing specifically.

This is the result that I get; Left is TonemapperFilm 0 and Right is TonemapperFilm 1:

This is using your steps above. Can you try recreating in a vanilla project without the other assets in the view. Also, make sure that your Engine Scalability settings are set to EPIC. Can you also post your DxDiag here? Perhaps it could be something with the system your using vs what I am using that may be worth investigating.

Thank you!


Hey, I have attached a map file which displays the issue: [map][1]

The colors should behave the same in UE 4.14 and 4.15 with r.TonemapperFilm=0 since that’s what its there for.

Please also consider adding another option to revert the bloom and color distribution changes which were changed to conform with the new tone mapper and HDR but make no sense with the old one as can be read more about by other people: 4.15 tonemapper - is it possible to simulate old effects? - Rendering - Unreal Engine Forums

Thank you!

4.15 with r.TonemapperFilm=0

4.14 as well as 4.15 with r.TonemapperFilm=1

[dx diag][4]

Hey dgrieshofer,

Unfortunately, you will have to tweak postprocess settings slightly to get the same result as 4.14. In the case of the map you posted I changed “crush highlights” to 0 and “Saturation” to 1.2 (keep in mind the post process settings will adapt to what tonemapper film setting you are currently set to.

I would highly suggest sticking with the default tonemapper if you plan to keep up with the latest engine version since we plan to remove the old method in a future release.



for the hint with “crush highlights”. For the record I changed “crush highlights” to 0.18 kept “saturation” at 1.0 and changed bloom values as shown here: 4.15 tonemapper - is it possible to simulate old effects? - Rendering - Epic Developer Community Forums to make it look exactly like in 4.14 (those values are taken from 4.14 editor).

Please keep the legacy tonemapper around a bit longer if it does not hurt. Thank you!