Expected time to render per frame help

I have no idea why but rendering my very basic scene in sequencer is taking over 5 minutes per frame at 1440p 30fps.

I have an RTX3080, 64GB of ram and I’m using DLSS.

Why on earth is it taking so long? Can someone share their render settings with me please? I’m not using path tracing either. I can easily just watch my scene playback in-editor ofc because it’s a live renderer being a game engine and all… But yea somehow in sequencer it’s just taking way way too long per frame when I remember last time it rendered out instantly as expected.

Anyone else having this issue? Can I get some advice on this please I’m desperate at this rate and there’s very little to no info on the internet about it anywhere.

Whoa, just saw that bit… :sweat_smile:

No it shouldn’t be like that…

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Do you have any advice? I’m really stuck I have no idea whats going on

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Have you seen the William Faucher stuff?

there’s a lot in there ( further down ).

Also, I saw people talking about how your render time changes immensely, depending on what output format you have selected.

Also possibly try 5.4 ( on a copy of your project ). All the updates are production orientated.

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I have seen his stuff yea I’ll take a look at this particular series though I might have missed something. Thank you

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