Executing Commands in Another Instance/Session - UE 4.27 (Using Two Instances via Visual Studio)

Hello UE community,

I hope you’re all doing great! I’m working on a project in Unreal Engine 4.27 and currently exploring ways to execute commands in another instance or session of my game. I’ve tried a few approaches, but I’m facing challenges, and I’d appreciate some guidance.

Objective: My goal is to implement functionality that allows one game instance to execute commands in another instance or session. Specifically, I’m looking to achieve the following: I have a solution file I open twice in VS and execute a console command from one instance should execute in another one.

Environment: I’m running two instances of the game by opening the solution file twice in Visual Studio and running from there.


  1. What would be the best way to implement command execution in another game instance in UE 4.27, considering the setup of opening the solution file twice in Visual Studio?
  2. Are there built-in features or plugins that facilitate communication between different game instances or sessions?

I tried this Remote commands but with one PC and opening solution file twice but it doesn’t work it just shows one session and one instance. Can you please tell where am I making mistake?

I’m eager to learn from the community’s experience and expertise. Any advice, code snippets, or recommended practices would be immensely helpful.

Thank you in advance for your support!