EXEC : error : Couldn't find parent type for 'AnimationConduitGraphSchema' named 'UEdGraphSchema_K2' in current module or any other module parsed so far

EXEC : error : Couldn’t find parent type for ‘AnimationConduitGraphSchema’ named ‘UEdGraphSchema_K2’ in current module or any other module parsed so far.
1> F:/UnrealEngine/bin/Epic Games/4.12/Engine/Source/Editor/AnimGraph/Classes/AnimationConduitGraphSchema.h(10) : Class ‘UEdGraphSchema_K2’ not found.
1>Error : Failed to generate code for PlanAEditor - error code: OtherCompilationError (5)

I’m getting the exact same issue. I’m not working directly with these classes and types, so I have no idea what is causing this.

I’ve tried a Solution Rebuild in VS, same issue.

I’m trying to implement a FAutoDeleteAsyncTask that is properly separated between a .h and .cpp. It compiled when there was just an empty framework, and now after adding 90 lines of code, it won’t compile.

I’m going to keep trying more. I’ve tried commenting out the new code, but no go. Gotta try rebuilding the VS project now…

Have you tried Setting the Build Configration to “DebugGame Editor”? This was never an issue before, but for some reason with 4.12.5, “DebugGame” won’t compile for me. I just got really nervous in the past hour trying to figure this out.

I’m assuming you are on VS?

Ran into this exact build error, but I managed to solve it. What I noticed is that the editor snuck in a module dependency in my .uproject file:

	"FileVersion": 3,
	"EngineAssociation": "4.12",
	"Category": "",
	"Description": "",
	"Modules": [
			"Name": "MyProject",
			"Type": "Runtime",
			"LoadingPhase": "Default",
			"AdditionalDependencies": [
				"BlueprintGraph"  // This line was added

In my case, removing the BlueprintGraph dependency stopped the error from appearing. It was added when in the editor I used File > Add C++ Class to create a custom K2Node class.

I have this:

		"Name": "DC",
		"Type": "Runtime",
		"LoadingPhase": "Default",
		"AdditionalDependencies": [

I’m also going to try removing BlueprintGraph and see what happens.

Edit: No clue why my entry is in there. It isn’t a plugin, but a module, right? I’m surprised your is so different from mine.

Seems better now. Why does it hates us precious?

Fat Bugginses! Needs a good squishin!

Additional Information!

I had a similar issue and determined that even though the class existed in C++, it didn’t have the UCLASS() and GENERATE_BODY() macros that the Unreal Header Tool (UHT) needed. So the UHT didn’t know about the class, thus the error.

C++ knew about it just fine, which really threw me for a loop for a bit there, but in hindsight it seems glaringly obvious.