Exclude camera vector from motion vector?

Hi there, after playing Final Fantasy VII Remake I was left impressed with what Square Enix managed to do with the Engine, there’s one thing I would love to implement my self which is the Motion Blur only on moving objects during gameplay and back to full screen motion blur on cinematics.
I messed around with the Engine’s source code and only managed to break stuff, NAOKI HAMAGUCHI one of the game’s co directors talked in great detail in this article How Square Enix leveraged Unreal Engine to modernize FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE - Unreal Engine, my take from it is that they are subtracting the camera vector from the motion vector before applying the motion blur. Do you guys know can we achieve this? Thanks in advance, this is my first forum post and English isn’t my first language, please correct me if something wasn’t clear.

Print from what NAOKI HAMAGUCHI said about motion blur.