This should be pretty simple, but it’s really giving me a headache; I am making a VR game, and when you press the Pause button it spawns in an Actor that acts as my Pause Screen. The Actor pauses the game, and contains a 3D widget that harbours my Pause Menu. The pause menu features many buttons, and the player has a pointer on their controller that interacts with the buttons (Widget Interaction component).
The issue, however, is that my Pause Menu becomes paused when the game is paused. I can mouse over and click the buttons using the pointer, which makes the sound and executes functionality such as un-pausing. But the buttons don’t react with the appropriate Hover, and Pressed visuals. Also, additional screens or logic, such as updating textures in the pause screen don’t work until I un-pause the game again. This is because that behaviour is “Paused”, much like the rest of the game.
So how do I exclude my menu from pausing?
FYI: I wont be accepting “Set time dialation of everything but the pause menu to 0” since that’s just a hacky work around.