Excessive Kinetic Blade cooldown when rejoining servers (Verse Persistence)

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When you exit a creative map with verse persistence that saves loadout, you have a kinetic blade that has a cooldown at the time of exiting and join back another time, the kinetic blade will have an excessive cooldown that go more than an hour. This happens with Megalo Don Fists as well, so my guess is that any item with a cooldown should cause this.

Steps to Reproduce

Create a map with verse persistence that saves loadout
Join a public code, grab a kinetic blade, use it, then while its on cooldown, exit game and save loadout.
Rejoin back (it was reported that the user joined back the next day, haven’t tested how long this step needs to take, usually players play at the same time, so maybe its the next date that causes the issue, not the offline time)

Expected Result

No cooldown on the kinetic blade

Observed Result

Excessive cooldown on the kinetic blade (My assumption is that its the range between the time you exited and the time you joined the next day + the existing cooldown of the item)
