exception access violation

This code let my UEFN crash.
Then, i change to this code.

For me it didnt happen because of a Verse code tho, so I think everyone has a different problem while getting this error, but I have seen a lot of people getting the error due to some Verse Code.

any update on this? I’m currently unable to open UEFN since my settings are set to “open last project”

The status of UCB-1045 incident has been moved from ‘Needs Triage’ to ‘Closed’. Resolution Reason: ‘Fixed’

Hi! Experiencing the same

Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0xffffffff4310dce8
UnrealEditorFortnite_Win64_Shipping (times 8)

Sent the report, managed to keep editor running with a blank project, set Engine Scalability Settings to Performance Mode, and open my project for editing. However, landscape sculpting isn’t available, so when I change the preview back to D3D Shader Model 5, it crashes.

I’m using Lenovo Legion Y530 with Core i5 GTX 1050 Ti. I did try to fiddle with the .ini files to set preferences for DX11, but my card should support DX12 as well.

In addition, whenever UEFN crashes, it remains ‘Running’ on Epic Launcher. And I haven’t found any other way to close it properly than restarting my computer.

Hello, i been also having the same issue, to be honest the list goes on. Before this recent crash, when i opened the map it even states it could not update from Revision Control, nor was i able to update anything to it. Once again last night I was given this as a crash report

Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000000000000038


I found out how to make a work around for it by deleting the world and reinstalling it from the “RC”, but i am tired of having to repeatedly restart my progress because of this glitch.

Well, dammit, I have this problem too now. It’s on a pretty important brand deal project, I need this fixed asap, or I wont be able to work

Hi there, the same problem occured for my team and I while programming in verse our game. Everything worked well until we did a double reference in verse of two creative_device classes.

We had a Team_Manager referencing a UI_Manager, and the UI_Manager was also referencing Team_Manager. This is what caused our problem. We fixed this issue by getting rid of one of the 2 references in our scripts.

All we did was going into the VSCode project without opening UEFN and removed one of the references.

After that we could launch back our project without failure. We think the problem comes from the fact that it somehow did a infinite loop on runtime by getting the references every frame.

Hope it helps some of you that code your game in Verse !


Hello, I have already tried all the solutions that I have found but I cannot even enter the UEFN, the same crash appears when I open the UEFN, I already sent the crash report but I still have not been able to solve it, I would like to know if there is any Possibility that I can solve it pls.

That fixed it for me. You saved my project. Thank you.

Appreciate this, it helped fix my project too. :+1: :+1:

I know some time has passed but 3 days ago i got the same crash, i still cannot enter uefn. Did you find a solution?

Hello i expirience that issue with a map i worked just a few hours ago.

I open a few other Projekt in between. All other Projects are opening except that one.

Hope there is a solution

Solutions I found to this problem, normally is due to a line of code that is generating this error.

Lines of code that produced the same error in my cases:

  1. Trying to get information from a “[player]int = map{}” but I was trying it with an “enum” by error.

  2. Trying to reference one “creative_device” inside another one with “@editable” and the same in the other device so that it creates a loop and each of them had the reference to each other (just making the loop reference not actually putting in the reference)


Go to the files you know is causing the problem, delete the line it is cousing it and then you can enter the project no problem.

at me it happened after Migrating an Texture from my other map what cause the Crash

not sure if is the function in the texture or the Migrate Process in general

Filed a report hope there is a fix because there are 60+ hours work in that map :sob: :cry:

@HalcyonKnight96 just ran into this issue with my game.

My issue was once I built my verse code, it crashed and then I couldn’t open the project again. To get into the project I went into the script, removed all the code, saved it which then allowed me to open the project with a bunch of errors.

After I found the piece of code that was messing it up for me. It ended up being an @editable to another verse script

game_manager := class<unique>(creative_device):

   #this @editable code would cause it to all break
    KingOfTheHillManager : king_of_the_hill_manager = king_of_the_hill_manager{}

#other class file
king_of_the_hill_manager := class(creative_device):

    GameManager : game_manager = game_manager{}

hi, did you fix the problem?

Hello, can I maybe send you my project too? I ve been trying 2 days now to solve the problem, but no chance …

Thanks heaps, this worked for me

I don’t know if it is too late but this is a way of solving the problem, it is caused by a loop reference, one verse file has the other as editable and the other way around, the solution is to make one of them an optional

In this case KingOfTheHillManager is the optional, you put the default value at false and then reference it.
Very useful for cases like this one, here is the optional documentation for specific use cases:

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