Example of usage SWidgetSwitcher ?

Please give an example of using slate SWidgetSwitcher. I can not understand…

Sure! The widget switcher has many children. But it only shows/presents one at a time. It’s as if the others did not exist. Here is some sample code:

// Caveat: I wrote this in a hurry and did not actually
// compile it. ;)

class SMyExample : public SCompoundWidget

    void Construct( const FArguments& InArgs )
        TabIndex = 0;
            .WidgetIndex(this, &SMyExample::GetCurrentTabIndex)
              SNew(STextBlock).Text(NSLOCTEXT("MyExample","Page1","Page One")
              SNew(STextBlock).Text(NSLOCTEXT("MyExample","Page2","Page Two")
              SNew(STextBlock).Text(NSLOCTEXT("MyExample","Page3","Page Three")

    int32 TabIndex;

    int32 GetCurrentTabIndex() const
        return TabIndex;


Now if you set TabIndex, you should be able to see Page One, Page Two, and Page Three appear depending on whether you set the TabIndex to 0, 1, or 2.

As a next step, you could use an SVerticalBox to add a row of buttons above the the switcher. If you set those buttons to change the TabIndex, you will have created a Tabs widgets. The upshot being that you have a lot of control over the appearance and behavior of these tabs as opposed to using a ready-made tabs widget. Indicentally, this is why we chose not to provide an out-of-the box Tab widget.

Let me know if this helps or if you have further questions. Also, if you do go on to make tabs out of this, could you post a simple code example? I think folks would appreciate seeing the code.

Thank you very much for your answer, now everything was clear. I think to create an article on the wiki, something like the “cookbook on slate”. A lot of good things scattered, I want to gather in one place. I will write about the tabs there, just to make an example of a little more interesting and post it for two three days.

Post my buggy solution here: