Everytime I package my project I get a error

Try disable all unused plugins and restart UE4

Tried that it didn’t work.

Hello ,

Could you post the entire log file? There are a few messages here but there could be plenty more that explain exactly what is going wrong. You can find it in the project’s directory under Saved / Logs.

One problem I do see is that it seems like there is something missing from your Visuals Studio 2015 installation. You can find out how to fix that here: Build failed windows - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums

The problem I mentioned before about your Visual Studio 2015 installation seems to be the only problem I see here. Have you given that other post a look and attempted the solution provided?

Can you post the new logs after attempting that? There may be some additional error messages since it is able to compile the project now.

I did what is said in the other post.
It still doesn’t work.

I did all the instructions on the link you sent and still getting errors.

Here is a link to the latest log file

your visual C++ toolchain 2013 is being used in place of visual C++ toolchain 2015.

take a look at this question

a command line argument is mentioned in the answer, follow the steps and generate your project file

hold shift and right click to open command line where told me to do.

you still there? this is kinda urgent :slight_smile:

It seems like the majority of the error messages are related to failing to load certain assets, including one of your maps which would cause it to fail in most cases. Is this a project that was converted from a previous version of the engine? Also, are you able to package fresh projects successfully?

If it was converted from a previous version, do you still have that old version? If you do, did it package successfully in that version? Please create a new project and try migrating the content over from the old version to the new fresh project instead of converting the project directly as it could be causing some problems when converting.

We haven’t heard from you in a while. Are you still experiencing these issues? If so, have you tried/tested what I mentioned in my previous post? What were the results? In the meantime, I’ll be marking this issue as resolved for tracking purposes. Whenever you’re available, please leave a comment and the post will reopen.

I migrated every thing to a new project and here is the log file. Still getting errors.

Error loading C:/Users/ /Desktop/FinaleDemo/Content/SnSAnimsetPro/UE4_Mannequin/Mesh/UE4_Mannequin_Skeleton.uasset!

Unable to generate long package name for ThroneRoom_Surfaces. Path should start with a ‘/’

Warning: Failed to find object ‘Object /Game/PlayerBP/Characterv3.Characterv3’

Failed to compile Material /Game/Effects/Materials/M_Water_Test_01.M_Water_Test_01 for platform PCD3D_SM4, Default Material will be used in game.

As saeedc pointed out, there seem to be some issues loading some referenced assets in your package. These weren’t mentioned in the previous logs due to the earlier errors masking them most likely. Could you check to ensure that these assets exist or remove the references to them if not?

Is there a way to make the previous project work? I am having trouble after migrating all the assets and blueprints. Some stuff don’t work like the UI and searching for other games through LAN which worked in the previous one before copying everything over.
There shouldn’t be a problem since the content of both projects are the same.

Try to package your previous project and send its logs one more time

Here is the log file.
Thanks saeedc.