The save point device and other device that can save something does’nt work. They just don’t save or the “save” are “corrupted” like for example, the position how send you to coordinate x=0 y=0 z=0 whatever where you character have being during the saving… It’s the same fore the tracker device how just reset all data.
This is all device that I found that have this problem but I sure there are more device that have the same problem:
Unfortunately I believe the ability to save was disabled from most devices a few months ago and save device was removed entirely, it seems they’ve brought back the save device in the latest patch but I don’t think it is still set up? - there is no mentions of it in the latest patch notes.
This process is to UE5, I don´t think is possible to do in UEFN.
Also, as I put in Save Point Device is missing (again) I just found that the device was deleted this night