Everything occurs in pre-game

Welcome all, I published a map recently and was trying to figure out why there was no pre-game lobby. I tried to put spawners to only “Party” instead of everything then I understood that it is not that there was NO pre-game lobby but that EVERYTHING occurs in this pregame lobby. Did you have the same problem and in that case is there a way to fix it please ?

It makes people unable to start a game with more than 1 player and statistics like number of eliminations and wins dont show up neither

It never occured to me with the last 4 maps and im scarred of needing to remake everything

@unlucky_DarK Hello! This is something that our Player Support team can investigate for you to give more information: Epic Games Technical Support & Customer Service | Epic Games

Not sure I follow you there. Every game on a published island does start with a pre-game lobby and after a countdown it will transfer to game state.