Everything Ivy + Hanging Plants Volumes

I did create a scene when I released BushGen04-Bushes05 which used the previous scene I created for the Oak Tree release.

The HiRez version is 21mb, way to big for the forum.

I must add though, this scene and subsequent screenshots are all from Unity. I set these scenes up to teach myself the new Render Pipelines. Just to clarify, all the screenshots used for products on the Unreal Marketplace, are from within Unreal Editor, albeit a small amount of screenshots in the most early products were not, they all have text stating that.

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Uploaded today for approval, TreeGen04-BirchTrees02
Wow, that was quick… now available HERE

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So, I am about to spoil my age here. I’m an 80’s baby. Birch trees used to be nightmare fuel for me as a kid all because of this show’s intro. Now, I see birch trees as one of Mother Nature’s beauties. It took me a while to get there! LOL!

Is the texture for your young birch trees also created from your live photography? That’s a lovely screenshot, btw. I love how the rays from the sun filter through the limbs!

Once someone purchases any of your flora from the Marketplace, are they allowed to use your mesh in other places/other platforms? Do you require credit if anyone uses your meshes in a game or cinematic? Does a purchaser have permission to edit your meshes as long as they are not taking credit for it or profiting from it?

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Hello 80’s baby :).
I love the flaky silvery bark of the Birch, hard to simulate in VR, that changes over time. It begins quite smooth and then as the trunk grows, it begins to peel off in layers.

I have a good collection of leaves, many of which I have photographed myself and extrapolated from the background, or when able, shot in my small photo booth. Bark is a different animal, getting a flat texture is quite difficult so I use a variety of free sources to get variety and a good match. Bark is also dependant on the location the tree grows in, there are no templates. The Birches in your movie look like a coppiced spinney that is regularly brashed. It can be seen by the lack of low level branches and somewhat straight trunks.

The intention of use for my models is, that when purchased from the store of an engine, they are for use within that engine. I like to create the models then host them in an environment where I can see what they look like and feed my other creativity, photography.
However, I intend to host my models on open markets such as turbosquid which has no predetermined end use albeit this is more of a long term goal.
The reason is more to do with normal maps (OpenGL/DX) production, height maps and Materials created. There is no one size fits all, unless I provide them in modelling programmes such as Blender, Maya, 3DMax etc.
If I choose this method, there is a greater chance that copyrights will be abused in a much greater scale. The difficulty there is proof and the cost outweighs the value of the product at this level.

I believe the EULA in each engine that I supply, states that the license granted through the sale is per seat. I have no way of policing that as it is more based upon honesty of the purchaser. In a group collaboration, the expectation is that each user with access, will purchase the pack, however that can prove inhibitive to budget, so a grey area.

I do not expect or demand any credits within other peoples/companies/studios work, it is nice if I get a rating on the marketplace, moreso if it is a good one. I have no concerns should someone want to alter the meshes/materials/maps etc supplied, as long as they are not presented on the Marketplace (or elsewhere) as their own work.
I use the Gen04 workflow linking the various processes for the creation of the fauna. From a seed range template, the individual trees are uniquely created, when file saving, I save them in a Seed Range folder based upon species, and for the most part, include the seed number ID. This prevents duplication. The software has numerous variables that control several aspects including age range. This allows me to use the same seed but with different parameters to create younger/older trees of the same species.

I hope I am not trying to teach you how to suck eggs! Not my intention at all.

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Hello Immersive-Games!

I apologize for responding so tardily. Things have been very busy leading up to the release of UE5 and the revamping of the forums and site.

Yes, I’ve come to admire the silvery bark of the birch as well. Do you know why the bark begins to peel off? …So I haven’t heard of “coppiced” or “spinney” and had to look it up. LOL! So the birches, as arranged as they are in the video link I sent to you, are the result of being coppiced? - meaning that these trees have been strategically planted in this manner to be harvested?

Thank you so much for providing the details of how you would like your models to be used. Some creators are more carefree about how their models are used, and some are very upset if their models are used without being credited (even if some are paid for).

I’m impressed with your current workflow. I have no experience in asset creation, but my interest is certainly piqued! I have this cinematic idea that I’d like to bring to fruition when I have more time on my hands. There’s so much to learn. My game dev experience is in 2D only, thus far. Anyhow, your being able to have more than one tree of the same species goes a long way to adding realism and creative placement.

No, you aren’t teaching me how to suck eggs! LOL! (I had to look up what that meant as well. :sweat_smile:) I learn something new from you with every post, and I really, really appreciate it!

What is next in store for you, Immersive-Games?

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Hello again,
It’s going to be a momentous release UE5 so all hands to the pump.

Coppicing and brashing are done for several reasons, mostly to do with forestry management, albeit it does detract from the natural processes a forest undergoes. One of aspects of brashing (the removal of dead/decaying fauna) is to remove competing species and allow the trees to grow tall and straight.
The forest can also yield many types of useful fauna such as whips for creating willow panels used to pen in animals and protect gardens from being ravaged by animals. Coppicing doesn’t always mean the planting of trees, like we do in more modern times, it relates more to managing what is already there to make it havestable. Protection of its life cycle was important to foresters so they could harvest only what they needed locally and would be done in tandem with farmers.

What’s next: an important question, one I have given much thought to but have not reached a conclusion.
I do have a 3D project that I started around 3 years ago called Rooms. Whilst I have already produced a lot of content for it and created templates, I am stumped by the fact I do not script or programme anymore, I used to until I suffered short term memory loss and cannot ‘see’ some logic. The game consists of 4 areas that all meet at a corner. Each corner area can consist of a completely new game that all have a entrance and exit. So effectively the player goes round in a circle from one game to the next by using linking doors. Each door requires a set of actions to be performed within each game, before it unlocks allowing the player to progress.
The part I cannot do is to insert the logic that as the player progresses with in each area, at a certain point, the next portion of the game loads in advance and the one behind is removed and replaced with another game room. Each set is intended to have upto 16 games/rooms. The whole game can accept MODS from players, using a template they can build their set of rooms and declare the conditions for progressing, based upon the common location within the template for the entry and exit doors.
The size of a single room is only tethered by the exact location of the doors in a single corner. The room can be as big or as small as the creator wants (that fits in memory) and can have as many levels in the Z axis as they want. The doors can be themed each side to match the theme of the room on either side. Another feature would be retracing steps. So you complete one room, walk through the door into another realm, shortly you discover you need the Axe that was not selectable in the previous room, so now you have to walk back through the door and retrace your steps to find the Axe and retrieve it. Once you have the Axe and pass back through the door, it locks and the room is removed.
I already created a set of rooms from existing games I had created long ago, by simply adding the doors in the matching locations within the game, that creates the links between the games.

I also have a Word (Grid-Word) game that is unique, that again uses a lot of logic. I have mapped out how it works, what it looks like and even done a couple of sets of the letter tiles. The is also player mod, so that they can add their own sets of words and layouts. The revenues are generated by the membership and tiered abilities to access features, leaderboards etc.

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From a broader perspective, since the launch of Quixel/Megascans link to Unreal, that give away a whole range, and growing, of free fauna, that alone reduces greatly the Marketplace for model/prop creators.
Once the development of Nanites for Fauna, lower poly/detailed meshes for fauna, will probably mean an almost end to 3rd party fauna and scene prop content. The expectation will be scanned meshes and 8k maps. This can become true for landscape creators already, having to compete with highly detailed meshes that will no longer have a need for Height, Normal, AO etc maps.
I foresee a time where a developer can stream live terraforma data into a scene in realtime.

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Hi Immersive-Games!

I hope this message finds you well!

I really appreciate the detailed explanation on forestry. I realize how extremely important forest conservation is, yet never knew the intricacies of its management.

Thank you so much for sharing your game idea! It sounds like an interesting, immersive seek and find game. A few questions. What platform are you designing your game for (PC and/or console)? Will this be single player or multiplayer? Is this a modular build for modders who desire to add their own room builds? What is the premise for the game? What is the backstory? the goals? the theme(s)? Is the player stuck in a time loop? Let’s hear some deets! :grin:

Also, have you considered seeking assistance with the logic/coding within the UE forums? There are some really experienced coders within the community that may be willing to lend a helping hand. If your project requires a lot more assistance and you have the means, you could also try advertising a paid position on the forums to assist you in completing the code for your game.

Yes, when I saw the advertisement videos from Quixel/Megascans, I instantly thought of asset artists, especially you, that create 3D flora for UE (flora meaning plant life, while fauna refers to animal life). I can see how difficult it may be to compete with such a robust library of flora from Quixel/Megascans. Have you plans to delve into other varieties of props in the future? Where do you see your interests migrating to should this new technology overpower third party flora assets?

Hello Again, hope you are keeping well.

All the games I have produced so far, have been done in Unity, simply because I got favourable responses from my posts looking for someone to carryout the specific tasks of doing the logical coding. The tools I gave, was the Logic Charts showing the interactable features and chains, along with the goals of the game, including menu charts that showed the player interaction and options. Some of the physical logic I did myself, including using triggers to change events. However, I cannot code (not will not, cannot).

The Game Rooms, I posted on the Unreal Forums that I was looking for someone to do the coding/blueprints. I had a single response but after showing all the details for the game, including art work, nothing.
Nobody has responded for any of the games I posted. It maybe to do with my philosophy of how I like to do business. Shared risk, shared proceeds.

The revenue streams from the Game Rooms, comes from subscriptions. Each player has an online account, this links leaderboards etc, profile and a forum. Free accounts can only play 4 Rooms (a complete single stage circle. Subscribed players can play all the rooms in the set (up to 16 rooms, or 4 circuits. There would also be a modding feature to advanced subscriptions, whereby using a template to setup their own Rooms, they can host those Mods for sale on a Room Store. 2 types of Mod would be accepted, a 4 Room Mod that can be used by those with a Free subscription (to keep ongoing interest) so they can add to a library. These 4 Room mods would be sold at around (not determined yet) $10 with a 70% split going to the creator/seller. 8 and 16 Room Mods sold for the Paid Subscription, at around (not determined yet) $40 and $70 respectively with the same 70/30% split.

The basis behind the game is to get the best time, along with accolades for achievements on your profile. It is a single player game, but could develop into a group (say 4-6 players) system. In each Room there are switches to pull, buttons to push, items like Keys, Key Cards, Crowbars etc that are needed to open the Door to the next room. The routes require skill, ingenuity and good hand to eye coordination to complete.

There is no set theme to the collection of Rooms, they can also be individual games within the game. The Creator decides what the Room content will be. The Rooms may or may not follow a story. Sometimes a collectable item may not be collectable, unless the following room, or previous one has an interaction that must be completed first (previously unavailable until the next room was opened), which would require going back to the previous room to complete that task.

The mechanics is, on loading the player is in Room 01 of 4, they carryout the tasks required to open the door to the next Room 02. Assuming no further interaction is required, Room 01 is removed. Unless there is interaction in other rooms required, there will be only a single Room in memory during that portion of the Game. Once a final item has been collected that will open the next Room, that will trigger the loading of the next Room into memory/cache prior to the door being opened. Once that door shuts, assuming no further interaction is required, that Room is removed.

There are no restrictions to the size of each Room, with the exception of the construction must align within the quadrant designated and Entrance and Exit doorways align, akin to a jigsaw interlocking within each quadrant baseline (see picture above). The Rooms can be as large on all three axis extending away from the 0,0,0 coordinates within its own quadrant.

A full circuit of 4 Rooms on each layer. So when Room 01 is replaced, it will be in the same quadrant coordinates as Room 01, but have a designation of Room 01a for the logic processes of loading, unloading etc. Right through to Room 01c. Each Room will have its own profile, giving maybe a Timer (restrictive and or accumulative), Items to Collect/Interact with each Room before being able to proceed.

The achievements, times for each Room will be linked to each players online profile and included in a leaderboard. All linked to the Forum, where games can be discussed, future releases, updates and events etc.

The cost for each game would vary depending on content, size and amount of Rooms within the set, 4, 8 or 16. Another factor would be amount of players allowed in each Room (they play as a group within each Room that may require multiple interactions at the same time to complete a task). That would reflect on server load etc. I envisage the game release would only be a single player.

Room Sets could be themed into a Storyline, or be standalone within a set. There are no expectations for creators. Creators will be furnished with tools for their games. A lever will have a designation, so the code would be attached to make it act like a lever and the subsequent action item will change its condition. Pickup items will have their own designation that is indicative of a pickup item that will increase a counter for the accumulative condition. They can provide the Meshes/Materials for their own items within a Blueprint that controls the method and outcome conditions of the item for the logic. These could also be linked with a sound, particle, animation etc.

The content and mechanics of the game are split into 3 basic sections with regard to income for each party involved. Within that percentage there maybe further divisions to other parties that come under that particular discipline. Creator, Code, Host. I see these as 45/45/10% split in revenues after costs/overheads, from all incomes.

Initial investment will come in the form of each party within their own discipline. Overall income will be divided into the % described after Hard Costs, server, advertising, insurance, financial and legal representations, are paid for (Gross Overheads and Cost of Sales). With regard to the cost of a server/webspace and associated costs, this will initially be met by the Host discipline sector, until income is achieved.

Creator: To provide all graphical elements including interactive items, icons, menu layouts/content and storyline, meshes etc that give the visual elements that make the Game.
Check Game submissions from Modders for content, mechanics, logic and compliance before acceptance onto Room Store, ready for sale.

Coder: To provide all the coding elements that link interactions between the logic between the player and scene/Room requirements of the Rooms Profile. To provide all code that will give APIs to the Host team to record player achievements, interactions, times etc. To code the graphical menu components for interaction from the Player(s), Creator and Room Profile. Code the ‘mechanics’ of Room loading/unloading with predetermined conditions of the game play. This must also be linked into modules that any Creator can use as a tool for their own submissions. Logic that can determine the Game Origins before playing, to make sure that the Game Set has legitimately been purchased through the Host or is an Inhouse compilation.

Host: To create a web presence with News, Updates, Storyline Blog, storage for Game Submissions. Mechanics for Sales of Games, both Inhouse and Modders. Leaderboards for different ranks (subscriber, free account, Modders etc. Forums for Product discussions, including Moderators. Set up and run aspects of the Room Store, including revenue streams into core accounts.

That is as far as I got, apart from making a 4 room example of the game, whereby I took assets and even whole builds and used them with bespoke transitions for the Door placements and logic configurations that would make up the Template.
The Business Plan, Financial aspects, Cashflow forecasters would all have to be discussed once the basic group has been assembled. There will be one other element to the 3 core ones, that will be the Company, that will front insurance, tradenames, copyright, legal aspects and financing including taxes. It will take no profit as such but all costs will be met by the income prior to the % split between each core. Each Core will be responsible for all its own costs including labour/hardware/software, local taxations (state tax, VAT etc) etc.

On the other part of your post, I also make a variety of goods (87 packs) that I sell mostly on Unity, but I do sell some furniture both home and garden, along with Ivy themed sets. I also create Ivy growths to other creators models if required and include my own props. Hanging plants which includes a lot of props I have made myself. I sell a lot of Door and Window packs on Unity, but there is already a swamped market in Unreal.
On Unity I have Security Camera sets that are fully working with many features, that I cannot get anyone interested in adding the script logic to the system for Unreal.

The main difference I see between Unreal and Unity is there are far more coders in Unity willing to take the risk of Profit Share, than Unreal.

As far as Flora /fauna goes, I had plans to offer fauna like butterflies, bees etc to go with flower/bush sets, using pathfinding for interaction with set layouts of Flora. Never got off the ground.

We are pleased to announce, since the release of the stable version 5.0, all products, (with the exception of the Everything Ivy Range) have been updated to version 5.0 Unreal Engine.

Everything Ivy range will be condensed and rereleased with the Version 5.0 Engine.

ALL of our Assets are both Forward and Backward compatible as packs contents are made up from standard FBX (2013) meshes and standard PNG textures.

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Just posted for approval, a new range for our collections.

Alphabet - Verdana
English Language
Upper and Lower case Letters and 0-9 Numbers

If this set proves successful, more fonts will follow (Times New Roman is already being created) and extended Asci Characters

Already approved and available HERE

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Nearly all packs have been updated to Unreal 5.1.

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Greetings @Immersive-Games !

Happy New Year to you! :partying_face:

I see that you have been busy updating your packs to be ready for inclusion in UE5.1. How has your experience been with UE5? How have you been? Have you started anything new or learned anything new? Had you decided to further develop Game Rooms?

Hello and a Happy New Year to you as well. Hope it started okay.

I had begun receiving messages about if I was going to update the Packs, so I pressed ahead.
I managed most of them, but after a windows update, my storage devices were corrupted and a few packs were lost, despite my backup systems. Whilst I can download them from the cloud storage, they are all in unreal asset format and not the format I need to update them (FBX/PNG). I’ll figure a way, it’s only a couple of the Ivy packs.

I also lost the ‘Rooms’ project. It never really moved as I was unable to find a partner on a profit share basis.

As far as using UE5.1, apart from updating the packs, I’ve not really delved in too deep. I have been trying out Nanites, when I have had the time.

How about yourself, I’ll wager you have been super busy with the new releases?

I had an email from a customer, saying that the trees purchased for 4.27 and the 5.1 versions, show differently in each editor, i.e. the branches were much thinner…

I checked into the issue and discovered that the ‘Opacity Mask Clip Value’ has changed.

In version 4.27 the default value is 0.3 (30%)
In Version 5.1 the default value is 0.5 (50%)

As the baseline values which the rendering engine 4.27 uses a default of 0.3, this was increased to 0.5 to remove any tiny artifacts… whereas in version 5.1 the default value of 0.5 is too aggressive and needs setting to 0.3 to regain the intended effects for the mask.

See accompanying screen of where to find the Opacity Mask Clip Value, which is hidden in the sub menu in Advanced.

Apparently a setting of 0.1 works, probably due to the high quality maps used.

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Hello @Immersive-Games !

Yes, all is well on this end. The new year started off busy and hasn’t let up since! LOL!

I’m so sorry to learn that your storage devices were corrupted after updating Windows. That sounds nightmarish! I’d be completely crushed. I’m so sorry you lost your Rooms project in the process. :disappointed_relieved:

On a lighter note, what have you been creating thus far with Nanites?

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You sound out of breath, good to be busy.

As 90% of my goods are Flora, I have not done much with my meshes, due to the LOD issue. Whereby the Trees etc lose all their leaves and branches in a relatively short distance. So far, none of my purchasers have asked me for any update to use Nanites.

Like many creators, there is little/nothing I can do about those issues, it is engine related.

With my solid objects like stairs, models etc etc… they are already as optimised as can be given the intended target audience and use. Most can be used on Mobile devices and already ‘lean’. I would imagine, those that make massive scanned scenery elements are the first to benefit from Nanites.

I am looking at producing a series of Chimneys and separate Chimney Pots for scene developers, covering a range from History. I do not see a variety of those scene props available, and should give a wide scope for period scenes, to increase authenticity.

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LOL! Yes, I guess being busy is a good thing. A lot is getting accomplished - so no complaints here.

It’s very admirable that you keep in touch with the needs/requests of your purchasers. It adds so much to the value of your work, and I’m sure a great number of your purchasers are grateful. And you’re right. I wouldn’t suppose Nanites would be necessary for flora. I only mentioned Nanites because in our last message, you mentioned that you’ve been trying out Nanites when you have the time.

It’s so cool that you’re thinking of producing a chimney series! I’ve been seeing quite a few historic environmental builds lately. In covering a range of history, will you be bundling them by region or by architectural style?

I am a fixer by nature, always tinkering. I had hoped that Nanites would have worked with Flora, so I could increase the resolutions of what I offer. I wouldn’t replace any of the meshes etc already submitted, but to add perhaps a HD version.

Most of the meshes etc I have submitted are suitable for most Hardware and easier on the rendering system, than appears. I do understand how much work is involved between assessing a solid rock face or a terrain, than a series of multi-layered alpha texture that has no gaps in the mesh, to render, moreso when they also move as in wind or collision.

The Chimneys is something I recollected from my work in the Building/Construction Industry and also Movie Making… we often see scenes over say a city, whilst the camera floats/skims the scene. Chimneys can make the difference between a period scene, or a modern one. There is a massive variety of design, Size and Materials used and is almost an afterthought, as ‘modern’ generations have not lived with an open fossil fueled heating.

Unlike the Trees, grouped by Species, in the Gen04 series, I may simply offer a selection of chimneys in a variety of styles and sizes in a bundle. This should save money for the purchaser, to site in the scene to add a bit of realism. as I did with the Gen02 series, which despite its age, is still proving useful to many.

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I have noticed a trend with sales, they are dropping on Unreal only, other platforms there has been a rise. This trend coincides with the increases in available Flora from Megascans.

Megascans is a great idea for this that simply want to kitbash their scenes with high quality and expensive meshes… but each mesh/model erodes an existing and established market, not because the quality isn’t there in the Flora Market, but because Megascans are 100% free. You get a Rolls-Royce for less than the price of a fiat panda, in fact there isn’t a price. Hard to compete in that market.

Unreal grew off the backs of the Marketplace, now they seem to have discarded all those who invested in creating revenue for them.