Everything Ivy + Hanging Plants Volumes

We have been developing a pack for upload based upon Sea/Coastline Defences, based upon real life Items and methods and created from Photographs.

In many cases, things that we take for granted, but are part of our daily lives.

Oh, apparently not… the meshes are too simple… textures too small in some cases… so refused.

I guess if I had made these 20,000 tris minimum with 4k textures on a very small area, they would be okay.

The same pack is for sale on Unity Asset Store… as the content is FBX and PNG, you can use it in Unreal, just need to make the Materials, which are simple enough.

After many hours, all of our asset packs are now compatible with the new editor 5.3.

We hope you enjoy our efforts.

Have a Wonderful Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.

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I will sometimes produce Models (Meshes) that I then Grow other meshes onto them (Nested).

They are supplied separate, so the user has a choice whether or not to use them, and in which mesh, should they use the Root Mesh several times. Some Root meshes have more than one Grown/Nested mesh for them and would be suffixed with a, b, c etc in the Name.

The Grown (Nested) meshes are numbered and identified to the intended Base (Root) model.

It is important to understand the difference between a Root Mesh and a Nested Mesh.

  • A Nested Mesh, takes its coordinates within the World/Scene, from the pivot point of the Root Mesh. Known as Local Space
  • A Root Mesh, takes its coordinates from the World/Scene. What ever Transforms that are applied to the Root mesh, will equally apply to the Nested Mesh. Known as World or Global Space.

You can Nest several Meshes to a single Root Mesh, by following this basic principal, shown in these screenshots.

We are pleased to say, finally we have uploaded TreesGen02-09 pack. These include realistic Date Clusters, Banana Bunches and Coconut Groups that are independent and optional and can be used on all suitable trees, including the Unique Tree groups supplied in this pack.

We will update the submission progress here.

The Bananas use 5 Different materials/textures, so they can be coloured for the maturity look you are after. It is the same with the Dates, albeit they use one Material. Stems are sperate materials.

All the meshes were constructed using actual photographs of the real fruit for greater accuracy and realism.

Yesterday we received notification that TreesGen02-09 is now live on the Marketplace here.

Our latest Submission Gen04 Forest Kitbash01 has been approved and is available here…

Gen04 Forest Kitbash01

The kit is for filling in the gaps in your scene between the grass texture and the tree tops. More will follow for different location types.

Since the application of Megascans into Unreal for FREE, it has blown a massive hole in many prop and scene creators income. What is next, free blueprints for all, free materials and shaders that cover every aspect? AI will be next, that will be able to script and annotate every aspect of your game, all you need do is check a few boxes, drop a couple of characters into a AI premade scene… choose a font and language for the promos and you are done.

This product Gen04 Forest Kitbash01 is on the up and coming Unreal 70% reduced event, maybe a good time to grab a copy…

Recently all products except Ivy Primitives, have been ‘upgraded’ to suit version 5.4 Editor. Days have been spent trying to get the Ivy Primitives asset converted, but seems it is not to be, until they fix the editor that keeps exhausting my 8gb DDR6 GC and crashing.

All products are now migrated and awaiting the opening of FAB. Will contemplate using the 3D asset viewer.
Maybe if anyone has a preference of a model they would like to be featured in each pack, I will certainly do my best.

All listings on FAB have been sent for approval and some are already live. Enjoy.