Hello, Im wondering if its legal to use EPICs standar content and stuff from the learning tab for challenges. EVERMOTION is hosting a challenge where one have to create a seceret garden themed scene. See Evermotion Challenge 2016 for details. They have said it is allowed to use premade 3D content (§12) You can use pre-made models. You can also use licensed models and textures made by other artists / companies, but you must give proper credit for every author / company of each asset you use. Evermotion Challenge 2016 - rules .
I understand EPICs can be used in UE4 products only, but when I want to use them in a rendered scene made with UE4, can that be looked at as a UE4 product and then be used in the challenge? Hope someone can clear things up for me.
I can’t speak to the rules of an Evermotion contest/challenge; you’ll need to go to them for specifics about their rules.
As far as Epic is concerned, you are free to use Learning tab assets for something like that. Some of these assets are designated as UE4-Only, in which case they can only be used in UE4 (rather than another game engine). So long as you’re not using another engine, it’s fine.
Thanks for your reply. Yes, I will design the level myself with EPICs models from their showcase maps. EVERMOTION
allows the participants of the challenge to use premade models.
(§12) You can use pre-made models. You can also use licensed models and textures made by other artists / companies, but you must give proper credit for every author / company of each asset you use. Evermotion Challenge 2016 - rules . So I will give EPIC the credit for the models when I submit my work.