Event not fired in Blueprint created from C++

Created a Blueprint from my C++ class, the BeginOverlap works perfectly. Now I added the EndOverlap event in code but this does not fire in PIE after recompiling. Anyways after a lot of effort I decided to try recreating the Blueprint from my C++ object and now the EndOverlap fires.

Hoping you can find a solution and save some other people the trouble.

Best regards

Hey Telimktar-

After adding the EndOverlap event in code did you recompile through Visual Studios or from within the editor? When you say the EndOverlap now fires, is that from the C++ code or is that from a blueprint based off of the code?


Both. Build is vs, hotreload and manual compile.
I’ve had this happen once a few month back as well.

Anyway, I even tried changing from OnComponentEndOverlap single AActor parameter to the four parameter signature. As well as .Add versus .AddDynamic.

Sorry, yes, blueprint based on code.

Okay then, and when you mentioned that the EndOverlap now fires were you referring to the blueprint based on code or a new blueprint with the logic built in?

Hey Telimaktar-

Do you remember what you changed in the code to get the blueprint working? The solution you came up with may help others if they have the same problem later.



No code change was required, just needed to create the blueprint from my c++ object again.

Best wishes